Speaker Adaptation, Uzbek Text-ToSpeech, Natural Language Processing, Few-Shot Learning, Voice ConversionAbstract
Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems developed in recent years require hours of recorded speech data to generate high-fidelity human-like synthetic speech. Low resources or small amount of speech can lead to several problems in the development of TTs models, which makes it difficult to train TTS systems with limited resources. This paper proposes a new lowresource TTS method called Voice Filter that uses only one minute of the target speaker's speech. It applies Voice Conversion (VC) as a post-processing module added to an already existing high-quality TTS system, which marks a conceptual change in the current TTS paradigm by recasting the multi-frame TTS problem as a VC task. In addition, it has been proposed to use a TTS system with controlled duration to create a parallel speech corpus that facilitates the VC task. The results show that Voice Filter outperforms modern multi-frame speech synthesis methods based on objective and subjective metrics using only one minute of speech from a diverse set of sounds, and at the same time with the Uzbek TTS model. remains competitive. 25 times more data.
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