
  • Saida Beknazarova Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizm
  • Maftuna Bekmirzaeva Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizm


gradient descent (GT), 2D filter, Gaussian filter, blurred images


Every day the number of images taken by the camera is increasing. Many photos are taken outdoors, where weather conditions can affect the quality of the captured images. Degradation caused by atmospheric phenomena is difficult to see by the human eye, and also reduces recognition by computer vision algorithms. Therefore, the task of processing such images is the most important. This article is devoted to the processing of images distorted by fog or rain. All modern methods in this field are based on supervised learning. In addition, information is provided about some image processing methods and their quality, intensity levels, and pixels whose GT exceeds a specified threshold are considered noise.


Beknazarova S.S., Bekmirzayeva M.Sh. Vizuallashtirish tizimlarida tasvirlarga tumanni ta’sir darajasini oʻrganish. 2023 № 4(6) raqamli tеxnologiyalarning nazariy va amaliy masalalari xalqaro jurnali ISSN 2181-3086(53-57).

Beknazarova S.S., Bekmirzayeva M.Sh. Алгоритм улучшения изображения в системах видеоизображений на основе искусственного интеллекта.(481-489) RESEARCH AND EDUCATION ISSN: 2181-3191 VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4 | 2023 Scientific Journal Impact Factor 2023: 5.789

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How to Cite

Beknazarova, S., & Bekmirzaeva, M. (2024). ANALYSIS OF FILTERS FOR PROCESSING VIDEO IMAGES. DTAI – 2024, 1(DTAI), 224–227. Retrieved from