
  • Holida Primova Samarkand branch of TUIT


Semi-structured decisions making, selection, fuzzy set, alternative, evaluative functional, efficiency criterion, fuzzy measure, fuzzy integral


The task selection, i.e. quality assessment of alternatives analyzed objects (information - communication systems, technical - technological objects, varieties of agricultural crops, etc.) and a selection of the best alternative in many cases solved in conditions of information, procedural and functional, parametric and criteria uncertainties of various types. The article considers the fuzzy-set approach to the construction of models of description and evaluation of alternatives, as well as problem solving semi-structured decision making based on fuzzy measures and fuzzy integral


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How to Cite

Primova, H. (2024). SEMI-STRUCTURED DECISIONS MAKING ON THE BASIS FUZZY MEASURES . DTAI – 2024, 1(DTAI), 45–48. Retrieved from