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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Types of paper

Research Papers: these papers are fully documented, interpreted accounts of significant findings of original research.

Review Papers: these are critical and comprehensive reviews that provide new insights or interpretations of a subject through a thorough and systematic evaluation of available evidence.

Short Review: these are short, timely articles that summarise recent developments in a field without providing an exhaustive review of all the literature.


Papers could be in one of the following languages: Uzbek, Russian, English. Papers must be grammatically correct.


Major corrections cannot be undertaken by either the editor or the publishers; if your paper is not prepared in accordance with these instructions it may not be considered further. Where requested to do so in the course of the peer review process, authors must revise their papers.

Use of word processing software

The preferred format for electronic versions is Microsoft Word. Please supply only the final version of your file, to avoid any risk of old versions of the text being used in error. Figures should be embedded in the main text.

Article structure

Papers should be well structured; they must comprise:


Short title of no more than 80 characters

Author name(s), email addresses for each author. Please indicate who the corresponding author is. Author(s) affiliation.

Abstract: no more than 200 words briefly specifying the aims of the work, the main results obtained, and the conclusions drawn.

Keywords: up to 6 keywords (in alphabetical order) which will enable subsequent abstracting or information retrieval systems to locate the paper.

Main text: for clarity, this should be subdivided into:

Introduction: describing the background of the work and its aims.

Methods: a brief description of the methods/techniques used.

Results and Discussion: a clear presentation of experimental results obtained, highlighting any trends or points of interest.

Conclusions: a brief explanation of the significance and implications of the work reported.

References: these should be accessible sources. Please ensure that all work cited in the text is included in the reference list and that the dates and authors given in the text match those in the reference list. References must always be given in sufficient detail for the reader to locate the work cited.


All figures should be embedded and correctly positioned within your Word files. Figures should appear in numerical order, be described in the body of the text, and be positioned close to where they are first cited. Each figure should have a caption that describes the illustration, and that can be understood independently of the main text.

Make sure all figures and tables will fit inside the text area.


Please submit tables as editable text and not as images. Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text and place any table notes below the table body.


References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper. Journal uses MLA, APA, ГОСТ reference styles.

Mualliflar uchun ko‘rsatmalar

 Maqola turlari

  • Ilmiy tadqiqot maqolalari: bunday maqolalar aniq sohalarda olib borilgan izlanishlarning sharhi bo‘lib, to‘liq tugallangan ish hisoblanadi.
  • Tahliliy maqolalar: bunday maqolalar tanqidiy va keng qamrovli tahliliy ko‘rinishda mavzu bo‘yicha dalililarni to‘liq va tizimli baholash orqali yangi tushunchalarni ta’minlaydi.
  • Qisqa tahliliy maqolalar: bu turdagi maqolalar qisqacha o‘z vaqtida yozilgan maqolalar bo‘lib, barcha adabiyotlarni to‘liq ko‘rib chiqmasdan, sohadagi so‘nggi o‘zgarishlarni umumlashtiradi.

Jurnalga taqdim etiladigan maqolalar quyidagi tillardan birida bo‘lishi mumkin: O‘zbek, Rus, Inglish. Maqolalar gramatik jihatdan to‘g‘ri yo‘zilgan bo‘lishi shart.

Maqolani qayta ko‘rib chiqish qoidalari

Maqolani qayta ko‘rib chiqish davrida muharrir yoki nashriyot tomonidan katta o‘zgarishlar amalga oshirilmaydi. Agar maqolangiz nazarda tutilgan talablarga muvofiq tayyorlanmagan bo‘lsa, u boshqa ko‘rib chiqilmasligi mumkin. Tekshiruv jarayonida qayta ko‘rib qilish talab qilingan taqdirda, mualliflar o‘z maqolalarini qayta ko‘rib chiqishlari kerak bo‘ladi.

Matnni qayta ishlash (taxrirlash) dasturidan foydalanish

Elektron ko‘rinishda maqolalarni yozish va taxrirlash uchun Microsoft Word dasturidan foydalanish talab etiladi. Mualliflar maqola matnini tayyorlashda faqat oxirgi versiyasini dasturlardan foydalanishi lozim, aks holda eski versiyalardagi dasturlarda tayyorlangan elektron maqolalar bilan ishlashda xatoliklar sodir bo‘lishi mumkin. Maqolaning rasmlari asosiy matnda joylashtirilishi kerak.

Maqolaning strukturasi

Maqola talablar bo‘yicha to‘liq strukturalangan bo‘lishi shart; ular quyidagilarni o‘z ichiga olishi lozim:

  • Maqolaning sarlohasi

Maqola 80 ta belgidan ko‘p bo‘lmagan qisqa sarlovhali bo‘lishi lozim

Muallif(lar)ning nomi, har bir muallifning email adreslari, afilyatsiyasi (affiliation) va sarlovhada tegishli (corresponding) muallif ko‘rsatilishi kerak.

  • Abstrakt: ushbu qismida tadqiqot ishning maqsadi, olingan asosiy natijalar va xulosalar 200 ta so‘zdan ko‘p bo‘lmagan holda qisqacha ifodalanishi kerak.
  • Kalit so‘zlar: tadqiqoy ishida foydalanilgan asosiy 6 tagacha kalit so‘zlar alfabit tartibida keltirib o‘tish lozim. Bu internetdan maqolani qidirish, topish va foydalanish imkonini beradi.
  • Asosiy matn: asosiy matn quyidagi ichki bo‘limlarni o‘z ichiga olishi mumkin:
  • Kirish: ushbu bo‘limda tadqiqot ishning mohiyati va maqsadlarini tavsiflanadi.
  • Tadqiqot usullari: tadqiqotda qo‘llaniladigan usullar/texnikalarning qisqacha tavsifi keltiriladi.
  • Natijalar va muhokama: aniq erishilgan eksperimental natijalar, tendentsiyalari yoki qiziqish nuqtalari aniq ko ‘rsatib o‘tilishi lozim.
  • Xulosalar: ushbu bo‘limda xulosalanayotgan tadqiqot ishining ahamiyati qisqacha izohlanadi.
  • Adabiyotlar: foydalanilgan adabiyotlar mavjud manbalardan olingan bo‘lishi kerak. Matnda keltirilgan barcha ishlar adabiyotlar ro‘yxatiga kiritilganligi va matnda keltirilgan sanalar hamda mualliflar adabiyotlar ro‘yxatidagi bilan mos kelishi kerak. O‘quvchi iqtibos keltirgan ishlarni topishi uchun havolalar har doim etarli darajada batafsil ko‘rsatilishi kerak.
  • Rasmlarni rasmiylashtirish

Barcha rasmlar maqola matnida to‘g‘ri joylashtirilishi, tartiblangan raqamlarda ko‘rsatilishi va matnda izohlab o‘tilishi kerak. Shuningdek, har bir rasmda tasvirni tavsiflovchi va asosiy matndan mustaqil ravishda tushunilishi mumkin bo‘lgan sarlavha bo‘lishi kerak.

  • Jadvallarni rasmiylashtirish

Maqola matnida jadvallarni rasm sifatida emas, balki tahrirlanadigan matn ko‘rinishida joylashtirilishi kerak. Jadvallarni matndagi ko‘rinishiga ko‘ra ketma-ket raqamlash va jadvalni nomini qo‘yish kerak.

Barcha rasmlar va jadvallar matn ichiga moslashtirilishi kerak.

  • Adabiyotlar

Adabiyotlar maqolaning oxirida to‘g‘ri tartiblanishi lozim. Adabiyotlar ro‘yxatini shakllantirishda MLA, APA va ГОСТ formatidan foydalanish tavsiya etiladi.


Technical sciences

digital economy,
the field of information technology

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