
Ключевые слова:

Adaptive constraints, tilt angle, optical character recognition, grid structure


This article investigates the application of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) techniques for accurately identifying the Latin Braille alphabet in the Uzbek language, specifically designed to support individuals with visual impairments. The recognition process integrates a variety of image processing and analysis approaches to enhance the precision of character detection. Particular focus was placed on implementing adaptive thresholding techniques to handle variations in image lighting and contrast. Additionally, the method incorporates the determination of text inclination angles, which is crucial for correcting skewed input images and improving the overall accuracy of Braille text recognition.

Библиографические ссылки

"Twain, Reference Manual". HP Corporation

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O.N.C.E. "Normas de Escritura Braille" (Spanish Edition of Braille Standards).

G. S. D. Farrow, M. A. Ireton, C.S. Xydeas. "Detecting the Skew Angle in Document Images". Signal Processing. Image Communication. Vol 6. Págs 101- 114. 1994

Axatov Akmal Rustamovich, and Ulug‘Murodov Shoh Abbos Baxodir O‘G‘Li. "“Deep learning” yordamida brayl yozuvidagi matnlarni tanib olishning usullari" Илм-фан ва инновацион ривожланиш / Наука и инновационное развитие, vol. 6, no. 1, 2023, pp. 32-41. doi:10.36522/2181-9637-2023-1-5

Akhatov, A. R., and Sh A. B. Ulugmurodov. ‘Braille Classification Algorithms Using Neural Networks’. Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security Volume 2, CRC Press, 2023, pp. 654–659, https://doi.org10.1201/9781032684994-106.

Akmal Akhatov, & Shokh Abbos Ulugmurodov. (2023). TRAINING DATA SELECTION AND LABELING FOR MACHINE LEARNING BRAILLE RECOGNITION MODELS. International Journal of Contemporary Scientific and Technical Research, (Special Issue), 15–21. Retrieved from

Axatov Akmal Rustamovich, & Ulug‘murodov Shoh Abbos Baxodir o‘g‘li. (2022). INKLUZIV TA’LIMDA INNOVATSION SENSORLI O‘QITISH TEXNOLOGIYASI. International Journal of Contemporary Scientific and Technical Research, 1(2), 213–216. Retrieved from

Akhatov , A. ., & Ulugmurodov , A. . (2022). METHODS AND ALGORITHMS FOR SEPARATION OF TEXT WRITTEN IN BRAILLE INTO CLASSES USING NEURAL NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES. Евразийский журнал математической теории и компьютерных наук, 2(11), 4–8. извлечено от



Как цитировать

Ulug‘murodov , S. A. (2024). BRAYL MATNLARI UCHUN MOSLASHUVCHAN CHEKLOVLAR VA QIYALIK BURCHAGINI ANIQLASH USULI . Цифровая трансформация и искусственный интеллект, 2(4), 69–73. извлечено от